Tuesday, August 18, 2015

KidZania Citizen PaZZport: Perks of being a KidZania CitiZen

At KidZania, your child can be more than just a tourist. That is, if you will allow your kid/s to be a KidZania citizen through their B-KidZanian Program.

Why join? Because once your child becomes a KidZania CitiZen, they will have more benefits, enjoy more activities, earn more Kidzos, avail discounts, and have more fun!

How to be a CitiZen in 3 EASY steps
Took a pic of these steps from the brochure given to the parents/guardians.
But honestly, getting the PaZZport isn't really that easy, because just like in real life, you have to patiently wait in line for your turn. And when it's your turn, they'll get your kid's bio and photo in front of you and with your guidance. It took us 20 minutes, 250 pesos each kid, and 1 purefoods hotdog sandwich each (because we got hungry) for the CitiZenship. Zaz! :)
The PaZZport Office where you kid/s can register for the the CitiZenship.
After the long wait, that's when your kid/s can finally enjoy the benefits of a KidZania CitiZenship. And oh, they also gave the parents/guardians a pazzport guide that looks like this.

The front page looks exactly like the real KidZanian PaZZport, but the one given to the parents/guardians was actually a brochure or an info guide about the CitiZenship and its benefits.

For every unique establishment that your child visits, he/she will be able a get a stamp in his/her PaZZport. It's also like getting a stamp for your passport for every different country you visit in real life! Awesome :) 

As a CitiZen, your child will also acquire more skills. Together with the stamps that your child collects, he/she will be able to advance to the three (3) levels of B-Kidzanian: Naturalized CitiZen, Distinguised CitiZen, and Honorable CitiZen.

At each level, he/she can enjoy more KidZos (more KidZos means that if the salary for the job is 10 Kidzos, then your child will receive an additional of 2 KidZos or a total of 12 Kidzos for the Naturalized CitiZen), and more benefits at KidZania, including discounts at The National Store and the Department Store. More stamps, higher level of CitiZenship, and higher level of CitiZenship means more benefits.

Well of course, getting a higher level of CitiZenship would also mean visiting KidZania more than once to earn more stamps! But what's the sense of getting a CitiZenship if you're not going back to KidZania again, right?
So if you're planning to visit Kidzania just once, you can skip the CitiZenship to save the 250 pesos for the membership. Besides, the CitiZenship isn't really required. Even without the PaZZport, your kid/s can still have so much fun at KidZania as a tourist! There's no much difference anyway. But if the 250 pesos is just coins for you, then give it a try! The experience is far more awesome. :)

What do you think? Will you avail the PaZZport for your kid? :)


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